Somatic Breathwork Wellness Program

Average cost for a wellness program

$150 - $1,200

per employee, per year
Source: Dr. Steve Aldana, CEO of Wellsteps Employee Wellness Program Cost

$150 - $2,000

per employee, per year
Source: Jennie Overton, article on wellness program costs

$200 - 500

per employee, per year

Source: Wellcourse INC blog, Certified NCQA, Wellness & Health Promotion

Tailoring a Somatic Breathwork Wellness Program Cost - $300 per employee*

Let's connect to see if a tailored somatic breathwork wellness program might be a good fit for you and your employees OR check below if you would prefer an in-house training that will incorporate somatic breathwork and how it relates to the specific topics mentioned.

Please contact to discuss any miscellaneous costs if somatic breathwork sessions require travel outside of Tri-Cities, WA.

Additional Options

  60-minute Presentation / In-house training: $300
  90-minute Presentation / In-house training: $375
120-minute Presentation / In-house training: $450

Topics will be viewed as it connects to somatic breathwork.
Presentations will be part educational and part experiential.
They will include group activities and open-discussions.

*If outside of Tri-Cities, WA, contact to discuss additional fees.


Grief and Loss
Compassion Fatigue / Burn Out
Suicide Prevention and Intervention
Mental Health

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